How Much Does a Website Cost In Australia? + (How To Save $1,000s)

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Written By Cooper Bancroft

I'm Cooper Bancroft, a Melbourne-based web designer with 9+ years of experience. I believe in the transformative power of a well-designed website for businesses, bloggers, and online stores.

Are you interested in creating a website for your business or personal use, but unsure of how much it will cost in Australia? The cost of a website in Australia can vary significantly depending on factors such as its complexity and the services you require, such as marketing copy, SEO optimisation, link outreach and CRO. This article will explore the average cost of a website in Australia, and provide tips on how you can save money.

How Much Does a Website Cost in Australia?

The cost of building a website in Australia can range from $500 to $10,000 or more, depending on its complexity. However, on average, you can expect to pay around $3,000 for a well-built and optimised website.

Web developers and web designers in Australia can charge anywhere from $50 to $250 per hour. Even a simple website for a small business like a café, bakery, plumber or fitness studio can add up quickly, especially when you factor in additional services like marketing copy and SEO optimisation.

Is It Worth the Money for a Professionally Built Website?

While it’s always good to pay professionals to do a great job, you could also make your website yourself and save thousands of dollars. But is it worth the money to hire a professional?

It depends on the company you choose. Some agencies outsource their web development to other countries and simply use a pre-made WordPress theme, add basic copy and then charge you $2,500 for a subpar result. In this case, it would be better to create your website yourself in 1-2 days.

However, there are also great agencies that will make you a well-optimised website that is likely to bring you more traffic and clients. An experienced web design agency will automatically create an SEO-friendly website that is optimised for conversions and designed to attract traffic.

In this case, the investment of $2,000 to $5,000 is definitely worth it. When choosing a web developer or agency, make sure to check out their portfolio of work and see if those websites are performing well. You can also do a quick Google search to see how their sites rank in search results, maps and other platforms.

Is It Really That Easy to Make a Website?

Making a website is now easier than ever. You can set up your hosting and have a WordPress website in under 20 minutes. From there, it doesn’t take long to tweak your website to your desired look and feel. You can use drag and drop builders like SquareSpace, Wix or Shopify to make things even easier.


Choosing a web developer is a great option if you have the budget and want a job done well. However, be wary of web developers on Gumtree or those who charge a low fee for a subpar website. If you’re looking to save money and are only after a simple small business website or blog, making it yourself is also a great option. I hope this article has helped you better understand how much a website will cost you in Australia and how you can save money while creating one.

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